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This website has been created as a free resource centre on Christian healing through Jesus Christ of the Bible. I come from a mainstream British evangelical Christian background and offer a variety of healing resources I have come across in recent years. The creator of this website stepped out in healing in Jesus' name in 2011 and wishes to encourage other Christian disciples to do the same.

We suggest you use the Bible link as your starting point to establish what the word of God teaches about healing. Until you know what is God's will for healing you cannot approach healing from a standpoint of faith.

If you are not yet a Christian, be assured that Jesus is able and willing to heal you. To know more about becoming a Christian, see this page.
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other healing sites
Christian Healing Forum
The Order Of Jacob's Well (UK)
John G Lake Ministries
Healing and Evangelism (UK)
The Elijah Challenge
Healing On The Streets (UK)
Andrew Wommack
Our main menu is at the top and bottom of the page and other items are shown as external links in the right hand column. blogroll
Jesus Is Healing Today (UK)
The Works
DHT Healing Training
Praying Medic
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(c) 2011-2015

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